Museums on volcanicity and geology | Volcanicity in the Eifel | Nature | Holidays in the Eifel
Museum zum Vulkanismus in der Eifel, © Eifel Tourismus GmbH, D. Ketz

Museums on volcanicity and geology

There are a number of museums on volcanicity and geology in the Eifel

There are a number of museums on volcanicity and geology in the Eifel. Each museum has its own focal area, making natural phenomena easier to understand. Take an interactive journey in time to the world of the Eifel volcanoes!

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Devonium in Waxweiler, © Hans-Peter Gasper



This museum tells one of the most exciting evolutionary stories. The Earth had already existed for thousands of millions of years before a green revolution created the basis for life as we know it about 400,000 years ago.

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Vulkanpark Infozentrum, © Eifel Tourismus GmbH/Dominik Ketz

Volcano Park information centre


As the central point of contact in the Volcano Park, the information centre offers an overview of the wide range of geological and archaeological themes covered in the park.  


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Steinmetz beim Messen, © Kappest/Vulkanregion Laacher See

Steinmetzbahnhof mit Tuffsteinmuseum


The museum provides information about the historical stonemasonry in Weibern and shows a stone collection of local materials.

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Unterirdische Entdeckungen im Eifelmuseum, © Eifel Tourismus GmbH, D. Ketz

Eifelmuseum - EifelTotal


Genovevaburg castle is a symbol of the town of Mayen. It can be seen from far and wide, towering over the town centre. Inside, it is home to the Eifelmuseum with the exhibiton "EifelTotal" and the German Slate Quarry Museum.


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Abtauchen in die Stollenwelt, © Eifel Tourismus GmbH, D. Ketz

Eifelmuseum - Deutsches Schieferbergwerk


In a tunnel system, visitors get an insight into the slate mining of bygone days.


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Erlebniswelten Grubenfeld, Spannende Einblicke, © Vulkanpark, Martin Christ

Erlebniswelten Grubenfeld (mining site Experience Worlds)


What did humans do with the volcanic rocks? What did they create from them? How did they obtain these rocks? And how were they able to shape them? The quarry field Volcano Park experience centre has interesting answers to all these questions.

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Familienaction im Lava-Dome, © Eifel Tourismus GmbH, D. Ketz

Lava-Dome - Deutsches Vulkanmuseum


The Lava Dome is a very special museum in the Volcano Park in the East Eifel. On 700 square metres it is not "museum-like", but spectacular - for children and adults, for absolute newcomers and for those who are pre-informed about volcanism. In the "Land of Volcanoes", a multimedia show tells the story of two violent volcanic eruptions…

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Führung im Lavakeller Mendig, © Eifel Tourismus GmbH, D. Ketz

Lavakeller – Einmalige Landschaft in der Tiefe


There are many steps leading deep down below the town of Mendig: Here in the lava cellars, in the middle of the cooled volcanic rock, it is consistently cold even in the hottest summers, there is a mysterious dim light, there is the smell of moisture…

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Römerbergwerk Meurin Logo, © Vulkanpark GmbH

Roman mine at Meurin


In the Roman mine at Meurin, visitors enter an underground world where Roman miners and soldiers worked.

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NKM Gerolstein, © Jochen Hank

Gerolstein Natural History Museum - journeys in time on the Eifelsteig


The Natural History Museum in the old town hall of Gerolstein is on the trail of nature. In addition to minerals, rocks and fossils from the region, there are also exhibits from the prehistoric and early history as well as the most species-rich collection of butterflies in the Eifel…

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