All cycle routes in the Eifel | Cycling | Holidays in the Eifel
Radtour in der Eifel auf alter Bahntrasse, © Eifel Tourismus GmbH, D. Ketz

All cycle routes in the Eifel


Cycle through areas of outstanding beauty on a tour through the Eifel, such as the maars of the Volcanic Eifel, the Eifel National Park, the Ferschweiler high plateau or the Volcano Park in the volcanic East Eifel.
Travelling along disused railway lines and rivers, you can choose from a large number of family-friendly, easy cycle tours, while passionate sports enthusiasts will enjoy cycling uphill to the summits to be rewarded with fantastic views.


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Die Ahrquelle in Blankenheim ist Start der Radtour auf dem Ahr-Radweg, © Eifel Tourismus GmbH / D. Ketz
along rivers

Ahr Cycle Route | Ahr-Radweg

Lenght: 75.3 km
Route: Blankenheim to Remagen-Kripp
Difficulty: easy

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Eisenbahnmuseum in Pronsfeld am Eifel-Ardennen-Radweg, © Eifel Tourismus GmbH, Dominik Ketz
on disused railway lines , family-friendly

Eifel-Ardennes Cycle Route

Lenght: 36.2 km
Route: Prüm to St. Vith
Difficulty: medium

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Kyll-Radweg, Mürlenbach mit Bertradaburg, © Eifel Tourismus GmbH, Dominik Ketz
along rivers, family-friendly

Kyll Valley Cycle Route

Lenght: 121.4 km
Route: Losheimergraben to Trier
Difficulty: medium

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Radtour über Viadukt bei Daun am Maare-Mosel-Radweg, © Eifel Tourismus GmbH, D. Ketz
on disused railway lines , family-friendly


Lenght: 58.5 km
Route: Daun to Bernkastel-Kues, Busbahnhof Forum
Difficulty: easy

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Schloss Niederweis am Nims-Radweg, © Eifel Tourismus GmbH, Dominik Ketz
on disused railway lines

Nims Valley Cycle Route

Lenght: 61.9 km
Route: Weinsheim (close to Prüm) to Irreler Mühle
Difficulty: medium

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Der Prüm-Radweg führt am Stausee Bitburg bei Biersdorf vorbei, © Eifel Tourismus GmbH, Dominik Ketz
on disused railway lines

Prüm Valley Cycle Route

Lenght: 96.8 km
Route: Stadtkyll to Minden
Difficulty: medium

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Sauer-Radweg, Dillingerbrück, © Eifel Tourismus GmbH, D. Ketz
on disused railway lines , along rivers, family-friendly

Sauer Valley Cycle Route

Lenght: 61.2 km
Route: Wasserbillgerbrück/Wasserbillig to Ettelbrück (Luxemburg)
Difficulty: easy

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Kalkeifel-Radweg: Der Nohner Wasserfall lohnt einen Zwischenstopp, © Rheinland-Pfalz Tourismus GmbH/D. Ketz
on disused railway lines , family-friendly

The Chalk Eifel cycle route

Lenght: 21.7 km
Route: Ahrdorf am Ahr-Radweg to Hillesheim-Bolsdorf am Kyll-Radweg
Difficulty: easy

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Der Urknall auf dem Kosmosradweg Kleine Kyll, © GesundLand Vulkaneifel/J. Hoefs
Theme Cycle Route

The Cosmos cycle route

Lenght: 22.2 km
Route: Daun to Meerfeld
Difficulty: easy

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Enz-Radweg, alter Bahntunnel bei  Neuerburg, © Eifel Tourismus GmbH, Dominik Ketz
on disused railway lines

The Enz cycle route

Lenght: 44.1 km
Route: Pronsfeld to Holsthum
Difficulty: easy

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