Trekking sites in the Eifel | Book offers | Holidays in the Eifel
Trekkingplatz Eifel mitten in der Natur bei Dahlem, © Naturpark Nordeifel, N. Noell

Trekking sites in the Eifel

Camping in nature is permitted at official trekking sites

Do you feel like hiking through the area with a backpack and tent? Trekking in the Eifel is now permitted at official trekking sites, in the middle of nature:

  • 01 - Nordstern
  • 02 - Land in Sicht
  • 03 - Walden
  • 04 - Ich bin mal kurz weg
  • 05 - Birkenrausch
  • 06 - Abgetaucht
  • 07 - In die Wildnis
  • 08 - Großer Wagen
  • 09 - Basislager
  • 10 - 180°
  • 11 - Ruf des Venns
  • 12 - Krawutschke Biwak
  • 13 - Schlüsselstelle
  • 14 - Klein Schweden
  • 15 - Aufwärts!
  • 16 - Buschfieber
  • 17 - Feuerland
  • 18 - Mit Seeblick
  • 19 - Freiluftleben
  • 20 - Flow
  • 21 - 600 über Normalnull
  • 22 - Abwesend

Each nature campsite has a compost toilet and offers space for up to two tents on a tent platform. The sites are accessible only on foot via hiking paths. During the trekking tour, you have to provide for yourself, and take your own food with you. 

This is how trekking works in the Eifel:
For 15 euros per night and tent, you can book your nature campsite space with “Trekking-Eifel”. The booking confirmation also contains the GPS coordinates and a precise route description to the campsite. Then all you have to do is pack your rucksack and set off into nature!

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Trekking-Eifel c/o Naturpark Nordeifel e.V.

Bahnhofstr. 16
53947 Nettersheim

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