Attractions | Day trip destinations | Holidays in the Eifel
Burg Eltz in der Eifel, © Rheinland-Pfalz Tourismus GmbH, D. Ketz


The Neanderthals, the Celts, the Romans... their traces can still be followed in the Eifel today. On hiking routes or museum guided tours, the relics have been preserved and can still be seen in many places.

Other attractions are entire towns, municipalities or villages, such as Mayen in the East Eifel with its Genoveva castle, which is now the centre of many cultural events, or the clothmaking town of Monschau in the Eifel National Park with its “Red House”, and the numerous museums or the “historic mustard mill”.

Bitburg, with its art of brewing, has become famous far beyond the region, as has Gerolstein with its mineral water.

Half-timbered buildings, old town fortifications, some of which visitors can walk along, such as in Hillesheim or Bad Münstereifel, proud castles and dreamy palaces are further witnesses to history which can be experienced at first hand in the Eifel.

The range of museums in the Eifel is as varied as the region’s history itself. Visitors can find out about the settlement history of the Eifel, but also about the volcanicity and geology of the region, such as in the museums in Daun, Mendig and Manderscheid.


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Eifelsteig-2019-095-Cafe Sherlock, Hillesheim, © Eifel Tourismus GmbH, Dominik Ketz

Das Kriminalhaus


An entire house in the name of crime thrillers. Here you will find everything that makes the crime lover's heart beats faster.


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Führung durch das Nationalpark-Zentrum Eifel, © Nationalpark Eifel, D. Ketz

Eifel National Park centre - “Wildnis(t)räume” exhibition


In the Eifel National Park centre at the Vogelsang IP “International Place”, visitors can experience nature with all their senses - indoors and outdoors. Surrounded by dense mixed deciduous forests, the modern visitors’ centre above the Urftsee lake has hosted the “Wildnis(t)räume” (“Wilderness Dreams”) exhibition - a barrier-free, interactive nature experience for people of all ages…

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Abtauchen in die Stollenwelt, © Eifel Tourismus GmbH, D. Ketz

Eifelmuseum - Deutsches Schieferbergwerk


In a tunnel system, visitors get an insight into the slate mining of bygone days.


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Unterirdische Entdeckungen im Eifelmuseum, © Eifel Tourismus GmbH, D. Ketz

Eifelmuseum - EifelTotal


Genovevaburg castle is a symbol of the town of Mayen. It can be seen from far and wide, towering over the town centre. Inside, it is home to the Eifelmuseum with the exhibiton "EifelTotal" and the German Slate Quarry Museum.


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Weg zur Burg Eltz, © Rheinland-Pfalz Tourismus GmbH, D. Ketz

Eltz Castle - the fairytale castle in the Eifel forest


High towers, picturesque oriels, protective walls and a deep castle moat amaze visitors when the well-preserved medieval castle appears out of nowhere on one of the hiking trails - e. g. the award-winning dream trail "Eltzer Burgpanorama". The interior holds some well-preserved treasures: the imposing knights' hall, the armoury and treasure chamber or the bedrooms, living rooms and writing rooms…

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Erlebniswelten Grubenfeld, Spannende Einblicke, © Vulkanpark, Martin Christ

Erlebniswelten Grubenfeld (mining site Experience Worlds)


What did humans do with the volcanic rocks? What did they create from them? How did they obtain these rocks? And how were they able to shape them? The quarry field Volcano Park experience centre has interesting answers to all these questions.

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Blick auf das Gemündener Maar und Dronketurm, © Eifel Tourismus GmbH, D. Ketz

Gemündener Maar


The Gemünden maar is lined up along a fissure running SE to NW. About 20,000 to 30,000 years ago they erupted and Gemünden Maar lake was formed.


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Die Genovevahöhle, © Eifel Tourismus GmbH, D. Ketz

Genoveva cave


The Genovevahöhle ( cave) is located south of Kordel in the beautiful Kyll Valley.

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Wasserfall bei Nohn, © Foto Achim Meurer,

Growing waterfall Dreimühlen


The Dreimühlen waterfall is probably the most interesting waterfall in the Eifel. It was formed from limestone deposits of three spring tributaries of the Ahbach. Due to the constant deposition, the sinter bank is constantly "growing", which is where the name "growing waterfall" comes from…

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Historisches Fachwerkdorf Monreal mit Burgen, © Eifel Tourismus GmbH, D. Ketz

Half-timbered village Monreal


The narrow streets of Monreal, its quaint Holy Trinity Church, the massive Nepomuk Bridge over the clear flowing Elzbach and the ruins of Löwenburg and Philippsburg castles high above the town are a perfect destination for an excursion in the eastern Eifel…

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