Hofladen - Gutes vom Land(vogt)

Hofladen - Gutes vom Land(vogt)


Get a large varity of fresh and regional products at the "Gutes vom Land(vogt)" farm shop. With heart and soul the family business ensures that you can enjoy fresh and sustainable food items. The farm is member of the regional brand "Eifel", since 2014.

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Hofladen - Gutes vom Land(vogt)

Polcher Straße 74
56727 Mayen
Phone: +49 26547457

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Mayenzeit, © Stadt Mayen

Tourist-Information Stadt Mayen

Hello and welcome to our tourist-information.  We are located in the heart of Mayen, with numerous sights. We want to be the first one you approach, if you are interested in information about Mayen. Also, ask for our touristic services and offers. Our motivated team is keen to help you out. Our services: § Looking after guests and providing of information § Proceeding enquiries of guests § Booking of rooms and apartments § Booking of guided tours § Execution of festivals § Advicing and supporting touristic hosts § Betreuung von Wander- und Radwegen Hosting bikeways and hiking paths § Creating concepts and planing of marketing operations (city marketing) § Erstellung neuer Informationsmaterialien und Broschüren Creating new flyers and brochures § Hosting the caravan site and the miniature golf course § Planning and execution of operations to increase the service quality § Cooperating with other touristic organisations § Creating the festival calendar § Press and public relations work  § Conceptual development of the touristic infrastructure § Other tasks that are touristically related

Grillhütte FZZ

Grillhütten in Mayen und Stadtteilen

There are alot of grilling and hiking hats in the recreation center and other scenic interesting spots in the forest of Mayen, which invite you to stay. The grilling hats in the recreation center can be rented at the tourist-information. Users are expected to handle the hats with care and follow the rules. Information and booking for the grilling hats in the recreation center: Tourist-Information Boemundring 6 56727 Mayen Telefone: 0 26 51 - 90 30 04 bis 07 Telefax: 0 26 51 - 90 30 09 E-Mail: touristinfo@mayen.de Information and booking for the grilling hats of the boroughs Alzheim Rolf Schüller An der Teichwiese 1 56727 Mayen-Alzheim Telefone: +49 (0) 2651 7 26 34 Hausen Werner Grosse Trimbser Weg 33 56727 Mayen-Hausen Telefone: +49 (0) 2651 4011010 Kürrenberg Jannik Weber Telefon: +49 (0) 2651 904777 oder +49 (0) 157 55913194 Nitztal Thomas B. Kronz Kirchwalder Str. 24 56727 Mayen-Nitztal Telefon: +49 (0) 152 22645821

Guest survey

Guest survey

Are you currently spending a vacation in the Eifel or have you spent a vacation in the Eifel in the last 6 months? We would be delighted if you take part in our guest survey. As a thank you, you can win an Apple iPad.