Bird Watching Station am Urftsee

Bird Watching Station am Urftsee


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Informationen zur Barrierefreiheit
Informationen zur Barrierefreiheit
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Was that a cormorant flying? Not everyone has binoculars in their luggage on a hike and usually the birds are too far away to observe them closely with the naked eye. If you want to take a closer look at the bird life in the Eifel National Park, you should head for the Bird Watching Station Urftsee at the Urft Dam.

Not only can cormorants be observed from here, great crested grebes, ducks and grey herons can also be seen. Two high-quality telescopes with fifteen-fold magnification are installed at the station at different heights, so that even wheelchair users can comfortably watch the birds feeding their young or hunting for food above the lake.

For the cormorants, Lake Urftsee is perfect for raising their young. Rich juvenile fish stocks of the perch that dominate the reservoir provide a richly laid table for the young birds and their parents. Around 50 cormorant pairs have settled here. For centuries, the cormorant was persecuted and became extinct in inland West Germany after the Second World War. Thanks to extensive protection measures, its numbers have recovered well. On the information boards, which can be accessed from underneath, you can read a lot of interesting information about the landscape and the special features of the local bird life. In the Eifel National Park, animals find the peace and quiet they need to hunt and raise their young. So it is not surprising that, with a bit of luck, the Red and Black Kites and the Black Stork can also be seen at the Urft Dam, in addition to the cormorants.

Those who want to fortify themselves after extensive bird watching can use the nearby restaurant for refreshments. It is accessible without steps and there is also a public toilet for people with disabilities at the Urft dam.

mehr lesen pdf: Informationen-zur-Barrierefreiheitpdf: Nationalpark Eifel mit Bird Watching Station

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At a glance

Opening hours

  • From May 23rd to May 23rd
    00:00 - 23:59

    00:00 - 23:59

    00:00 - 23:59

    00:00 - 23:59

    00:00 - 23:59

    00:00 - 23:59

    00:00 - 23:59

Barrierefreie Austattungsmerkmale

Some information on accessibility are listed below. Detailed information can be found in the test report at the end of the text.

  • Assistance dogs are allowed.
  • The path to the Bird Watching Station is easy to walk and drive on. There are no visually high-contrast and tactilely detectable sidewalk boundaries.
  • At the stop "Urfttalsperre" there is a tactile map.
  • The information panel is visually rich in contrast. The information is not provided in Braille or prismatic writing.
Prüfbericht: Sehbehinderung / Blinde

Some information on accessibility are listed below. Detailed information can be found in the test report at the end of the text.

  • There is no uninterrupted guidance system or signs at a visible distance.
  • The information on the information board (console board) is not provided in easy language.
Prüfbericht: Kognitive Beeinträchtigungen
There are no applicable quality criteria for people with hearing impairment and deaf people.Prüfbericht: Hörbehinderung / Gehörlose

All areas relevant for testing meet the quality criteria of the label "Accessibility tested - barrier-free for people with walking disabilities".

Some information on accessibility are listed below. Detailed information can be found in the test report at the end of the text.

  • The bus stop "Urfttalsperre Haftenbach" is 20 m away.
  • The car park in Gemünd "am Wingertchen" is 6,6 km away from the Bird Watching Station.
  • The path from the car park to the station is easy to walk and drive on (with max. 7 % gradient on 20 m length).
  • The Bird Watching Station is easy to walk and drive on.
  • There are two monoculars for observation at the Bird Watching Station (viewing height 110 cm and 140 cm).
  • The information board (console board) is wheelchair accessible.
  • The nearest restaurant is located at the "Urfttalsperre" at a distance of 3.2 km.

Public toilet for people with disabilities at the "Urfttalsperre"

  • The toilet door can be opened with a Euro key.
  • The maneuvering spaces are:
    right next to the toilet 83 cm x 65 cm, on the left there is no maneuvering space;
    in front of the toilet, washbasin and door at least 150 cm x 150 cm.
  • There are handles to the left and right of the toilet. The handle on the left cannot be folded up.
  • The washbasin is wheelchair accessible.
  • The mirror can be seen while standing or sitting.
  • An alarm trigger is not present.
Prüfbericht: GehbehinderungPrüfbericht: Rollstuhlfahrer

Zertifiziert im Zeitraum:
January 2022 - December 2024
Barrierefreiheit geprüft




Bird Watching Station am Urftsee
Bird Watching Station am Urftsee, K7
53937 Schleiden-Gemünd
Phone: +49 2444 9510-0

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